3 June 2023 year 909

Perfectly acquired knowledge leads a person to perfection. On the other hand, ambitious goals, such as making young people mature specialists, begin with admission to higher education.

On June 1 of this year , at the Syrdarya Academic Lyceum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs , With the participation of the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the Syrdarya branch of the Nukus Innovation Institute Sh. Madragimov, Head of the Department of Learning Style J.Karimov and chief accountant N. Khudoykulovs made an agitation and propaganda. The representatives of the institution mentioned that the innovation institute of Nukus has extensive training opportunities, favorable conditions and a modern material and technical base. You can also study at the Institute in the areas of primary education, preschool education, pedagogy and psychology, finance and financial technology, software engineering, philology (English), accounting and auditing, as well as students who have received excellent grades at the 3rd course, have the opportunity to study in countries such as Latvia, Korea, Turkey, Russia. The presentators have also mentioned  the information on the allocation of 2 (two) grants in each faculty. At the end of the meeting, the students received answers to their questions and expressed their intention to enter the university in the future.

Agitation and propaganda like this is becoming increasingly important for students as they apply, choosing the field they need.

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