Regulations on " Receiving calls by helpline 1102” of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Lighting service (passport).
1.1. The name of the service.
Receiving requests by "helpline" 1102.
1.2. Results of the service.
Organization and control over the timely execution, strictly observing the requirements of the law, incoming requests to the center, through rapid information exchange in this direction to ensure the rights and interests of citizens.
1.3. The authority providing the service.
Department of work with appeals of individuals and legal entities and records management of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
1.4. Legal basis.
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan” on appeals of individuals and legal entities " dated September 11, 2017 no. ZRU-445.
1.5. User service.
Individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan or their legal representatives.
1.6. Term of execution.
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on appeals of individuals and legal entities”, the appeal is considered within fifteen days from the date of receipt by the internal Affairs bodies, in case of need for additional study and (or) requirements for additional request for documents - within a month.
In cases where it is necessary to conduct an inspection for consideration of appeals, request additional materials or other required measures, the head of the internal Affairs body may, as an exception, on the basis of a justified report, be extended for a maximum of one month, and the applicant will be informed of this.
The proposal from the date of receipt by the internal Affairs bodies will be considered within a month, with the exception of proposals that require additional study, this is informed in writing within ten days of the individual or legal entity that made the proposal.
Informing service recipients.
2.1. Volume and composition of information:
Structural units of the Ministry, the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Main Department of internal Affairs of Tashkent city Department of internal Affairs of areas, the final response letter on the discussed references provide specific information on the questions given in the appeal.
2.2. Detailed information.
The appeal of the person that the answer is not given about the previous appeal on a certain issue, if the term of consideration has not expired, this is explained to the author.
2.3. Consultation on the appeal.
Legal advice from the staff of the center to the authors of appeals is prohibited.
3.1. Working hours.
Requests are received continuously, around the clock on the "helpline".
Service procedure.
4.1. Payment for service.
Service for consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities-free of charge.
4.2. The basis for the refusal.
If the author does not provide information about the person, it is explained to him that his appeal will not be considered in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on appeals of individuals and legal entities”.
Quality assurance.
5.1. Quality indicator.
Creation of favorable conditions for individuals and legal entities to apply to the internal Affairs bodies, as well as effective protection of their rights, freedoms and interests.
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