Order of treatment

Dear user!

Please read carefully the Procedure for receiving and considering applications to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "on appeals of individuals and legal entities", individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign States, as well as stateless persons have the right to apply to the Ministry of internal Affairs with applications, proposals, complaints.
Applications can be submitted orally or in writing or in electronic form: in person, via postal communication, by the helpline "1102", through the Virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan sh. m. Mirziyoyev
The address of an individual must include the surname (first name, patronymic) of the individual, information about the place of residence and the essence of the appeal.
The address of the legal entity must contain the full name of the legal entity, information about its location (postal address)and the essence of the appeal.
The written request must be signed by the person applying, or by the signature of the head or authorized person of the legal entity applying. In case of impossibility of a written request of a natural person signature of requesting, it must be signed by the person by putting further and surname (name, patronymic).
The electronic appeal must be in the form of an electronic document confirmed by an electronic digital signature and having other details of the electronic document that allow it to be identified. Electronic communication must comply with the requirements established by law.
The following are not subject to consideration: anonymous appeals; appeals submitted through representatives of individuals and legal entities-in the absence of documents confirming their powers; appeals that do not meet other requirements established by law.
If You are not satisfied with the response to Your request, the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan receives individuals and legal entities every day from 10.00 to 12.00 at the address: Tashkent, Yu. Rajabi street, D1. Landmark: metro station "Kosmonavtlar", in the building of reception of citizens of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also on a single helpline "1102". Phone: (+99871) 231-36-50.

For individuals and legal entities wishing to make an appointment with the Minister of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, you must apply to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. After studying the application for results, the applicant will be notified additionally of the date and time of admission to the Minister of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the absence of the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the reception is carried out by the responsible heads of services.

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